Sunday, April 6, 2008

Andrew Kerr Installs Apple Air Port Wi Fi at CHS

Once again Andrew Kerr of Learning Currents International (LCI) has volunteered his time and expertise to come to Chuuk. This time he brought a special gift: an Apple Airport Router (Wi Fi) that connects several computers to the Internet at the same time.

SHIP/HOOPS's classroom is the the only public school classroom in Chuuk State to be have Internet accesss and now the first public school in Chuuk State to have Air Port (Wi Fi).

But Andy didn't just bring us equipment and then leave. He stayed and taught several classes. Students learned more about computer use, the Internet and Email. Andy took time to explain to all participants the importance of protecting your identity and self when communicating on the World Wide Web. He told students to be careful about the sites they visited, do not share personal informaiton (mother's name, your place and date of birth, your social security number, or other private data) with web sites or strangers.

Andy also discussed and taught more about making audio-visual presentations. Several students completed presentations on Substance Use at CHS, Challenges at CHS, and other topics.

On behalf of the film class, SHIP/HOOPS, the students who will benefit from this gift of equipment, expertise and love, "Thank you Andy and Thank You Learning Currents International (LCI)!"

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